Sunday, June 24, 2007

Homeschooling Conference

Last weekend, Houghton and I got to attend a two day convention for parents who are homeschooling. Because I will be homeschooling our children in Vanuatu, we thought it would be beneficial to get some ideas, incite, and frankly...motivation for homeschooling. I have been quite apprehensive and frustrated with the whole idea of teaching our kids at home. Because we probably will not have much options for schooling, Houghton and I thought that homeschooling was the best, if not the only way to go.

All this being said...I had yet to get excited about it all. But I have to say that because of our time in Great Falls, Montana at the conference, I am much more at ease about homeschooling and also excited about it! This was a huge answer to prayer! Thank you to you all who were praying for us as we were at the convention. Houghton also got a lot out of the speakers and sessions and he too is excited about having the opportunity to teach our children at home.

I haven't driven that route (to Great Falls) very often and we really loved enjoying Gods creation as we drove! It was absolutely beautiful!

We also saw the PERFECT Oreo cow and its Oreo baby! So cool! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was hoping that it would go well for you, AND will go well when the time comes to start homeschooling...